Linux Deep Dive

Linux for Beginners

Linux File System

/boot-- contains file that is used by boot loader ( grub.cfg)

/root-- root user home directory, It is not same as "/"

/dev-- System devices (e.g. disk,cdrom,speakers,flashdrive,keyboard etc.

/etc-- configuration files

/bin->/usr/bin -- everyday user commands

/sbin->/usr/sbin -- system/filesystem commands

/opt-- Optional add-on applications ( Not part of OS apps)

/proc-- Running Processes ( only exist in memory)

/lib->usr/lib -- C programming library files needed by commands and apps

[ strace -e open pwd]

/tmp-- Directory for temporary files

/home-- Directory for user

/var-- System logs

/run--system daemons that start very early (eg.systemd and udev) to store temporary runtime files like PID files

/mnt-- To mount external filesystem ( Eg. NFS)

/media-- For cdrom mounts

Linux File Types

"-" --> Regularfile

d --> Directory

l -- Link

c -- special file or device file

s -- socket

p -- Named pipe

b -- block device

File System Paths

There are two paths to navigate to a filesystem

1. Absolute path

2. relative path

1 - An Absolute Path always begins with a "/". This indicates that the path starts at the root directory.

An Example of an absolute path is

cd /var/log/samba

2. A Relative path does not begin with "/" it identifies a location relative to your current position. An example of a relative path is

cd /var

cd log

cd samba

Creating files and directories

Creating files -- touch,cp,vi

creating folders -- mkdir

Copying Directories

1.Command to copy a directory


2. To copy a directory on linux, you have to execute the "cp" command with the "-R" option for recursive and specify the source and destination directories to be copied

cp -R <source_folder> <destination_folder>

Find Files and Directories

Two Main commands are used to find files/directories

- find

eg: find / -name "file"

- locate

eg: locate filename

Difference Between find and locate

Locate: uses a prebuilt database, which should be regularly updated.

while find iterates over a filesystem to locate files. Thus, locate is much faster than find, but can be inaccurate if the database is not updated

To update locate databse run updatedb

once you create a file, you need to update the database

sudo updatedb

is the command to update the database with new files.


A Wildcard is a character that can be used as a

substitute for any of a class of characters in a search

* - represents zero or more characters

? - represents a single character

[] - represents a range of characters

\ - as an escape character

^ - the beginning of the line

$ - the end of the line


if you want to create multiple files

touch abcd{1..9}-xyz

if you want to remove/find files

ls -l abc*

if you want to find files with last words

ls -l *xyz

ls -l ?bcd* -- will find all the files which has bcd

ls -l [cd] -- will find all the files which has c and d

Soft and Hard Links

inode = pointer or number of a file on the hard disk

soft link = line will be removed if file is removed or renamed.

Eg ln -s

softlinks are only created at different location compare to original file

ln -s /home/devops/hulk

hardlink = deleting renaming or moving the original file will not affect the hard link

Eg: ln

ln /home/devops/hulk

to check inodes and permissions, groups, groups

ls -ltri

To add text for a empty file

echo "hulk is superhero" > hulk

To add text for a modified file

echo "123" >> hulk

File Permissions

Unix is a multi user system.

every file and directory in your account can be protected from or made accessible to other users by changing its access permissions

Every user has responsibiltiy for controlling access to their files.

Permissions for a file or directory maybe restricted to by types

There are 3 type of permissions

r - read

w - write

x - execute to run a program

each permission rwx can be controlled at three levels

u -- user

g -- group

o -- others


chmod u+x filename to add execute permissions

chmod u-x filename to remove execute permissions

Octal Permissions

Binary Decimal Permission Type

000 0 No Permission

001 1 Execute

010 2 Write

011 3 Write + Execute

100 4 Read

101 5 Read + Execute

110 6 Read + Write

111 7 Read + Write + Execute

rwx | r-x | r-x

111 101 101

7 5 5

chmod 755

other way

Permission Value

r 4

w 2

x 1

- 0


421 401 400

7 5 4

chmod 754

File Ownership

There are 2 owners of a file or directory

user and group

command to change file ownership

chown changes the ownership of a file

chgrp changes the group ownership of a file

Recursive ownership change option


Access Control List (ACL)

Which provides an additional, more flexible permission mechanism for FS.

It is designed to assist with UNIX file permissions.

ACL allows you to give permissions for any user or group to any disc resource

Basically, ACLs are used to make a flexible permission mechanism in Linux.

Commands to assign and remove ACL permissions are

setfacl and getfacl


To Add permission for user

setfacl -m u:user:rwx /path/to/file

To Add permission for a group

setfacl -m g:group:rw /path/to/file

To allow all files or directories to inherit ACL entries

from the directory it is within

setfacl -dm "entry" /path/to/dir

To remove specific entry

setfacl -x u:user /path/to/file (for a specific user)

To remove all entries

setfacl -b path/to/file (For all users)

Adding Text to Files ( Redirects)

3 Simple ways to add text to a file

--> vi

--> Redirect command output > or >>

\> will replace the text on a file

\>> will add the text on a file

--> echo > or >>

Input or output redirects

There are 3 redirects in linux

standard input (stdin) and it has file descriptor number as 0

standard output(stdout) and it has file descriptor number as 1

standard error (stderror) and it has file descriptornumber as 2

output(stdout) - 1

by default when running a command its output goes to the terminal

the outpur of a command can be routed to a file using > symbol

eg: ls -l > listings

pwd > findpath

If using the same gile for additional output

or to append to the samefile then use >>

eg: ls -la >> listings

echo "Hello World" >> findpath

Input(stdin) - 0

-> Input is used when feeding file contents to a file

Error (stderr) -2

1.when a command is executed we use a keyboard and that is also considered (stdin -0)

2. That command output goes on the monitor and that output is studout -1

3. If the command produced any error on the screen then it is considered ( stderr -2)

we can redirecs to route errors from the screen

Eg: ls -l/root2> errorfile

telnet localhost 2>errorfile

Standard Output to a file (tee)

tee command is used to store and view the out of any command

Eg: echo "test devops" | tee devops

To add additional lines without deleting the existing texts use

echo " test devsecops" | tee -a devops

how to count words in the file

wc -a filename


A pipe is used by the shell to connect the output of

one command directly to the input of another command.

eg: sudo /etc ls -ltr | more to get all the content in pages

File Maintenance Commands





.rmdir or rm -r



File Display Commands




eg: less filename

less filename press "J" to check line by line

less filename press "k" to go to previous line



Filters/ Text Processors Commands

.cut --- it allows to cut the ouput


cut --version = check version

cut -c1 filename = list one character

cut -c1,2,4 = pick and chose character

cut -c1-3 filename = list range of characters

cut -c1-3,6-8 filename = list specific range of character

cut -b1-3 filename = list by byte size

cut -d: -f 6 /etc/passwd = list first 6th column separated by:

cut -d: -f 6-7 /etc/passwd = list first and 7th column separated by:

ls -l | cut -c2-4 = only print user permissions of files/dir

.awk -- it allows you to list by the columns


awk --version = check version

awk '{print $1}' file = List 1st field from a file

ls -l | awk '{print $1,$3}' = List 1 and 3rd field of ls -l output

ls -l | awk '{print $NF}' = List field of the output

awk '/word/ {print}' file = search for a specific word

awk -F" '{print $1}' /etc/passwd = Output only 1st field of /etc/passwd

echo "Hello Tom" | awk '{$2= "Adam" ; print $0}' = Replace word field words

cat file | awk '{$2="Adam";print $0}' = replace words field words

awk 'length ($0) >15 ' file = Get lines that have more than 15 byte size

ls -l | awk ' {if($9 == sienfeld") print $0;}' = Get the field matching seinfiled in /home/devops

ls -l | awk ' {print NF}' = Number of fields

grep and egrep -- if you want to search by keywords.


grep --version =check version

grep keyword file = search for a keyword from a file

grep -c keyword file = search for a keyword and count

grep -i Keyword file = search for a keyword ignore case-sensitive

grep -n keyword file = dispaly the matched lines and their line numbers

grep -v keyword file =- display everything except keyword

grep keyword file | awk '{print $1}' = search for a keyword and then only give the 1st field

ls -l | grep Desktop = search for a keyword and then give the 1st field

egrep -i "keyword|keyword2" file = search for 2 keywords

sort: sorts out the output in alphetical order


sort --version = check version

sort file = sorts file in alphetical order

sort -r file = sort in reverse alphetical order

sort -k2 file = sort by field number

uniq: it will not show any duplicates or repeated lines


uniq file = removes duplicates

sort file | uniq = always sort first before using uniq their line numbers

sort file | uniq -c = sort first then uniq and list count

sort file | uniq -d = sort firs then uniq and show repeated lines

wc: word command, waka command it will tell you how many words in a file


wc --version = check version

wc file = check file count, word count and byte count

wc -l file = get the number of lines in a file

wc -w file = get the number of words in a file

wc -c file = get the number of bytes in a file

ls -l | wc -l = Number of files

grep keyword | wc -l = Number of keyword lines

Compare Files

Diff (line by line)

cmp (byte by byte)

Compress and un-compress files


Keeps all the files in one folder with tar extension

eg:tar cvf filename.tar


Gzip compress the files which ends with tar extension

eg:tar xvf filename.tar.gz

gzip -d or gunzip

gzip -d are used to uncompress the file

eg: gzip -d filename.tar.gz

Truncate File Size

The Linux truncate command is often used to shrink or

extend the size of a file to the specified size

eg: truncate -s 10 filename

Combining and Splitting Files

Multiple files can be combined into one and one file can be split into multiple files

eg:cat file1 file2 file3 > file4

split file4

split will usually split large file into multiple files

eg: split -l 2 filename sep

Linux vs Windows Commands

command description windows Linux

Listing of a directory dir ls -l

Rename a file ren mv

copy a file copy cp

move file move mv

clear screen cls clear

delete file del rm

compare contents of files fc diff

search for a word in a file find grep

display command help command /? man command

display your location on FS chdir pwd

display the time time date

Linux File Editor

A text editor is a program which enables you to create and manipulate

data in a linux file

Vi -- Visual Editor

ed -- standard line editor

ex -- extended line editor

emacs -- a full screen editor

pico -- beginner's editor

vim -- advance version of vi

To replace words on the file through vi


sed Command

Replace a string in a file with a newstring

Find and Delete a line

Remove empty a lines

Remove the first or n lines in a file

To replace tabs with spaces

Show defined lines from a file

Substitute within vi editor

To replace with new word

Eg: sed -i 's/oldname/newname/g' filename

To remove the word

eg: sed -i 's/name//g' filename

To remove the word line completely

eg: sed -i '/name/d' filename

To remove empty space on the file

eg: sed -i '/^$/d' filename

To remove the firstline of the file

eg: sed -i '1d' filename

User Account Management







User record maintained three different files





useradd -g groupname -s /bin/bash -c "user description" -m -d /home/username username

Cron Jobs


# Example of job definition:

# .---------------- minute (0 - 59)

# | .------------- hour (0 - 23)

# | | .---------- day of month (1 - 31)

# | | | .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...

# | | | | .---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat

# | | | | |

# * user-name command to be executed